Starter Magento 2 AWS Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform

Magento 2 auto scaling cluster with Terraform on AWS cloud

Deploy a full-scale secure and flexible e-commerce infrastructure based on Magento 2 in a matter of seconds.
Enterprise-grade solution for companies of all sizes, B2B B2C, providing the best customer experience.

 Configuration we called start, now anyone has the opportunity to quickly deploy one scalable server with all the necessary settings and services. As always, increased security and advanced monitoring settings.


EC2 webstack custom configuration and Auto Scaling management

User data templates with shell scripts. If you are familiar with shell scripting, this is the easiest and most complete way to send instructions to an instance to perform common automated configuration tasks and even run scripts after the instance starts. From default stack optimization to changing any application and service settings.

Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling - A warm pool gives you the ability to decrease latency for your applications. With warm pools, you no longer have to over-provision your Auto Scaling groups to manage latency in order to improve application performance. You have the option of keeping instances in the warm pool in one of two states: Stopped or Running. Keeping instances in a Stopped state is an effective way to minimize costs.

NGINX is optimized and fully supported on the latest generation of 64-bit ARM Servers utilizing the architecture. PHP using socket connection.

Debian 11 ARM 'bullseye', which will be supported for the next 5 years. Includes support for the very latest ARM-based server systems powered by certified 64-bit processors. Develop and deploy at scale. Webstack delivers top performance on ARM.

AWS Systems Manager is an AWS service that you can use to view and control your infrastructure on AWS. Using the Systems Manager console, you can view operational data from multiple AWS EC2 instances and automate operational tasks across your AWS resources. Systems Manager helps you maintain security and compliance. No SSH connections from outside, no need to track passwords and private keys.

Complete setup:

1 autoscaling group with launch template converted from admin user_data
1 target group for load balancer [admin]
1 load balancer external with listeners / rules / https
1 ssl certificate to enforce https
1 rds mariadb database single AZ
1 elasticsearch domain for Magento catalog search
1 redis elasticache cluster for sessions and cache
1 rabbitmq broker to manage queue messages
3 s3 buckets [media] [system] [backup], with access policy
2 codecommit repository for app and services config files
1 efs file system for shared folders, with mount target per AZ
1 sns topic default subscription to receive email alerts
1 ses user access details for smtp module

resources are grouped into a virtual network, VPC dedicated to your brand
the settings initially imply a large store, and are designed for huge traffic.
services are clustered and replicated thus ready for failover.


  •  Deployment into isolated Virtual Private Cloud
  •  Autoscaling policy
  •  Managed with Systems Manager agent
  •  Instance Profile assigned to simplify EC2 management
  •  Create and use ssm documents and EventBridge rules to automate tasks
  •  Simple Email Service authentication + SMTP Magento module
  •  CloudWatch agent configured to stream logs
  •  All Magento files managed with git only
  •  Configuration settings saved in Parameter Store
  •  Live shop in production mode / read-only
  •  Security groups configured for every service and instance
  •  phpMyAdmin for easy database editing
  •  MariaDB database dump for data analysis
  •  Enhanced security in AWS and LEMP
  •  AWS Inspector Assessment templates
  •  AWS WAF Protection rules


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